Catalina Sea Camp
Celebrating over 40 years of Excellence in Ocean Adventure! Summer camp on Catalina Island is a great way to spend your summer! Catalina Sea Camp offers 60+ ocean adventure and traditional summer camp activities, including scuba diving, snorkeling, kayaking, and sailing, to name a few. Catalina Sea Camp is an ideal combination of land and sea for a fantastic summer camp experience. At this ACA Accredited, challenge-by-choice summer camp, every camper is supported to try new activities. Catalina Sea Camp is the premier residential summer camp that focuses on marine biology and ocean adventure for children ages 8-17. Sign up for one of five sessions ranging from 1-week to 3-weeks and experience the summer of a lifetime! Located on a private beach at Toyon Bay on Catalina Island. Two and a half miles by water from the city of Avalon, Catalina Sea Camp is the perfect place to unplug and connect with friends, ocean, and ADVENTURE!
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